
What data do we collect?
  • Name submitted through the forms
  • Email address submitted through the forms
  • Phone number submitted through the forms
  • Message submitted through the forms
Why do we collect this data?
  • To receive and respond to inquiries or requests submitted by users
How do we protect this data?
  • We take reasonable and appropriate measures to protect user data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
  • We store user data securely and only keep it as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected.
Do we share user data with third parties?
  • We do not share user data with any third parties, and all data is stored on servers that only we have access to.
How long do we keep user data?
  • We store the submitted user data for as long as required by law or the purpose with which the data was collected has been completed, depending on the type of data.
Do we use cookies or other tracking technologies?
  • This website neither uses cookies nor any other tracking technologies such as IP logging, user agent logging, and so on. Only submitted form data is collected.
How can users access, update, or delete their data?
  • Users can contact us to request access to, update, or delete their data.
How will we notify users of changes to the privacy policy?
  • We will notify users of any changes to the privacy policy by posting a notice on our website or by email if the user has provided us with their email address.

Last updated: 18/05/2023